project n.i.n.j.a
gdms class project
Project N.I.N.J.A was my class project from GDMS Asset Management Lecture. In this class, a team of three people created this side scroller where the player is a ninja and the game is set in medieval period. The final object of the game right now is to kill all enemies and escape from castle grounds.
ROLE: Programmer, Designer.
TOOLS: Unreal Engine, Visual Studio, Blender, GitHub.
Created and owned the idea/vision of the game.
Developed the wall jump/climb system where the player is able to scale walls by sliding/jumping consecutively on the wall.
Developed the melee combat system for the player where the player can perform Slide-Dodge, one hit combo, two hit combo, and sprint.
Created base and final level of the game.
Create the objective system where the game checks for completed object at the end of the game.
Created enemy AI systems and enemy types: melee and projectile.
Retargeted all animations to the skeletal mesh of the actor accordingly.
Created and QA tested all Windows builds.
Used source control software to maintain the repository of the project.