project n.i.n.j.a

gdms class project

Project N.I.N.J.A was my class project from GDMS Asset Management Lecture. In this class, a team of three people created this side scroller where the player is a ninja and the game is set in medieval period. The final object of the game right now is to kill all enemies and escape from castle grounds.

ROLE: Programmer, Designer.

TOOLS: Unreal Engine, Visual Studio, Blender, GitHub.


  • Created and owned the idea/vision of the game.

  • Developed the wall jump/climb system where the player is able to scale walls by sliding/jumping consecutively on the wall.

  • Developed the melee combat system for the player where the player can perform Slide-Dodge, one hit combo, two hit combo, and sprint.

  • Created base and final level of the game.

  • Create the objective system where the game checks for completed object at the end of the game.

  • Created enemy AI systems and enemy types: melee and projectile.

  • Retargeted all animations to the skeletal mesh of the actor accordingly.

  • Created and QA tested all Windows builds.

  • Used source control software to maintain the repository of the project.