Absconding Doors was a capstone game-jam project where the theme of the game-jam was “doors”. Absconding Doors is a first-person perspective game where the player has the ability to create portals and connect their location within a clear line of sight. These portals can be used not only for teleporting player, but also enemy and other objects such as bullets.

RELEASE DATE: Unreleased.

ROLE: Programmer, Designer.

TOOLS: Unreal Engine.


  • Created and owned the idea/vision of the game.

  • Developed the portal system player mechanic which allows the player to create dynamic portals within their line-of-sight from which objects can teleport. The player can also view live feed of the scene behind the second portal connected and displayed to the first portal.

  • Created the base level and enemy AI.

  • Developed automatic door system with dynamic textures and lighting which change according to their lock state and the access level acquired by player.