Pineapple Panic is a campy horror endless-runner centered on the story of Piña the Pineapple as he makes his escape from a hunger-crazed Chef Joe Colada as they attempt to slice, dice, kabab, and/or grill you. The point of view for the game will be head-on, reminiscent of the boulder escape sequences from Crash Bandicoot.


ROLE: Programmer

TOOLS: Unreal Engine, GitHub.


  • Developed blender hazard which is a type of obstacle for stopping the player.

  • Developed the HUD system which counts the collected pick-ups.

  • Developed the tutorial system which slows and stops the player unless specific actions are executed.

  • Developed the leaderboard system which takes the name input from player and stores and updates the top high scores at the end of each game.

  • Developed the AI for the enemy which chases the player and adjusts speed according to distance from player.

  • Discovered and fixed a rare nav-mesh bug found in specific builds.

  • QA tested the Windows builds of the game.

  • Used source control software to maintain the repository of the project.